Thursday, December 31, 2009

Couldn't sleep..but got lots done!

Couldn't sleep last instead of totally wasting time in bed, I got a lot of reading, researching, and random internet surfing accomplished..hee hee.

Now off to walk the dog and do my few writing assignments I have for the day..hopefully I'll finish them quickly so I can have a more relaxing new year's than I did Christmas...

No plans and that is a-ok with me! My old best friend and I used to say that New Year's plans just set up for disappointment. Everyone make such a big deal out of such a random "holiday" and people RARELY have a good grab a few movies (and of course a bottle of the cheapest champagne possible..Andre truly is the best!) and enjoy! I will probably go to bed earlier tonight than I have in all of 2009! Hard to believe..I know

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Have Wanted To Do This For Awhile I have been meaning to do this for awhile.  I am on the internet virtually 24-7 and have still not started a blog.  Crazy...I know!  

Basically life is not going according to planned for me (and when I think about it...I think the majority of people are feeling this way).  

I feel like life keeps throwing struggle after struggle at me and I continue to keep charging on..but I have to admit I am getting pretty discouraged.  I feel like right after I get one thing taken care of another crisis arises.  Unfortunately I do not have a great support system which makes things even more difficult.

I was facing the prospect of having my first holiday season by myself.  No family, no friends, no relationships.  I was pretty sad but was trying to make the most of it.  Then what happens?  My dog ate through my "Christmas eve salad" container and got onion toxicity.  I had to rush her to the emergency vet hospital and spent my entire Christmas there.  I am currently still unemployed (not for lack of trying...grrr recession) and so I had no way to pay the vet bill.  I put it on my credit card but am growing concerned about how to pay for it.  But what else could I do, right?  She's my buddy!  

Just when I was getting over that cost I was hit with my insurance not covering the majority of my medical bills and a confusion over my rental car that I had for a few weeks.  I had a parking ticket that I paid and now I am being charged by the rental car company.  Hertz is the worst company ever.  I had problem after problem when I was renting the car and you can NEVER get a competent customer service person.

So...more to deal with tomorrow.  I will need to put off my doctor's appointment's and my dog's MUCH needed dental cleaning for awhile until I find some way to get some more money.

Doing my best to stay positive and continuing to try and improve my life.  I hope people are keeping positive and know that there are others in the same boat supporting them!